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The sj CLI and the subjective Library

sj is a command-line interface (CLI) for students to organise and manage their timetables and subjects. Intended as a companion to the more user-friendly interface of other Subjective apps, it serves as a fast and powerful tool for developers.

The CLI uses the backend library subjective to perform its operations. This library is also available for use by developers to create their own apps to interact with Subjective data.



The sj CLI is available on GitHub at

It uses the Rust programming language, so you will need to install the Rust toolchain to build it. You can do this by following the instructions at

It uses the subjective library, included in the same repository.

You can either clone and build it manually:

# Clone the repository
# Pass `--depth 1` to only clone the latest commit
# Or use `gh repo clone SubjectiveLabs/sj` if you have the GitHub CLI installed
git clone
cd sj
cargo install --path .

or install it using Cargo:

cargo install --git


The subjective library is available on GitHub at [], together with its CLI sj.

Add it to your Cargo.toml file:

subjective = { git = "" }

Or use Cargo:

cargo add --git